So many planes on the Lake. Remember when they premiered one of the Airplane disaster movies in Anchorage and actor Jimmy Stewart said he was just taken by seeing so many planes on Spenard Lake.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. You are not alone. Most people don't know that Spenard was started by a guy named Joe. We will be including the Story of Joe Spenard in our Anchorage Pioneer Memories book series that's in the works right now.
So many planes on the Lake. Remember when they premiered one of the Airplane disaster movies in Anchorage and actor Jimmy Stewart said he was just taken by seeing so many planes on Spenard Lake.
Spent many a sunny afternoon at this lake and had absolutely no idea about it's namesake! Great read !
Thank you so much for your kind comment. You are not alone. Most people don't know that Spenard was started by a guy named Joe. We will be including the Story of Joe Spenard in our Anchorage Pioneer Memories book series that's in the works right now.